Greenacres Primary Academy

Respect, Responsibility and Really Good Manners

Second hand uniform is available free of charge from school. Please speak to us in the office and simply tell us what you need! If you have uniform to donate, please make sure it's clean and bring it to the office. 

Our Uniform Policy


You can view our school uniform policy here

It is very important to us that our children look smart at all times whilst in school as it helps with our high expectations for learning and behaviour. Our uniform consists of:


  • Green school jumper or cardigan (bearing the school logo)
  • White polo shirt (not the long sleeve formal shirts with full buttons)
  • Grey school trousers or shorts, skirt or pinafore
  • Grey, black or white plain socks
  • Grey plain tights or leggings
  • Black, flat, closed toe footwear (not trainers)
  • In the summer months, a green and white summer dress with socks or grey tights.


Please note, headscarves worn for religious regions must be plain black without embellishments and must be removed for PE lessons. Make up and nail varnish is not permitted.



PE Kits and swimming

It is very important that your child has their PE kit in school every day but please ensure it is taken home and washed at the weekend.

Year 4 / Year 5 children will be swimming every Monday, so they must have their kits (including a swimming cap) in school on that day.

Our school PE kit consists of a mixture of the following:




This is the only type of hijab we allow children to wear. It must not need to be fastened or sit loosely over the shoulder due to the distraction this causes. 


Please click on the following link for a full copy of our School Uniform Policy:



Where to order

All of our uniform can be purchased from either School Trends ( or from Debonair in Oldham Town Centre.

To order via School Trends simply click here and follow the process through. You can either pay online or if you prefer, you can order online and send a cheque to the following address:


School Trends

10 Carley Drive


Sheffield S20 8NQ


There are no minimum order quantities and your uniform can be delivered either to the school or to another chosen address such as your home. As well as the school’s approved decorated uniform, you are also able to order plain items such as trousers, skirts and shirts.


To order via Debonair please click here or you can buy in store:  

Unit 15

Henshaw Street




If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the school office.