Greenacres Primary Academy

Respect, Responsibility and Really Good Manners


Assessment of Learning (AoL) - summative assessment

Assessment of learning is any assessment that summarises where learners are at a given point in time – it provides a snapshot of what has been learned.  Within Greenacres Primary School, AoL is used appropriately, e.g. to provide a Teacher Assessment level and grade at the end of KS1.


Assessment for Learning (AfL) - formative assessment

“Assessment for learning is the process of seeking and interpreting evidence for use by learners and their teachers to decide where the learners are in their learning, where they need to get to and how best to get there.”

Assessment Reform Group, 2002


At Greenacres Primary School we recognise that AfL lies at the heart of promoting learning and in raising standards of attainment.  We further recognise that effective AfL depends crucially on actually using the information gained.

The school records teacher assessment through the use of O Track.  This software provides clear criteria which judgements can be made about National Curriculum year group expectations, and termly / yearly / progress in mathematics throughout a child’s journey through school.

Teachers also monitor and plan for progress with data gathered through the use of CLIC tracking documents.

The assessment procedures within our school encompass:

  • Making ongoing assessments and responding appropriately to pupils during ‘day-to-day’ teaching. These ‘immediate’ responses are mainly verbal and are not normally recorded;
  • Using knowledge of pupils drawn from ongoing daily assessment and Target Tracker pupil records to inform ‘prior learning’ at the beginning of each unit of work to guide our planning and teaching;
  • Adjusting planning and teaching within units in response to pupils’ performance;
  • Use of ongoing teacher assessment on Target Tracker in order to identify gaps in attainment on a half termly basis, and at the end of each full term using this information to place each child accurately on the National Expectations.
  • Use of information gained from statutory and optional tests. Analysis is done at both a quantitative and qualitative level.  Information gained is used to set focused curricular targets (what to teach) and also to determine which strategies or methods are particularly effective in respect of specific areas of mathematics (the how and why).

i. Weekly ‘Beat That!’ Challenges from Big Maths (CLICs).

ii. White Rose Maths Progress Checks (Termly Arithmetic and Reasoning assessments.)

iii. NTS standardised tests in reading and maths each term. 

iv. National Curriculum Tests (SATs) (Years 2 and 6).