Greenacres Primary Academy

Respect, Responsibility and Really Good Manners

Online Safety for Pupils

You can also visit our very useful pages for parents on keeping your child safe online  at home by clicking here Online Safety Tips for Parents.


Our recommendations...

  • No devices in the bedroom – keep their phone/tablet/games consoles and charger downstairs so they aren’t tempted to stay up late playing games.
  • Check out new games or websites they are asking about by going to this fab website will let you search for games, apps, and films to see what the content is and if it is age appropriate for your child.
  • Remind your child that when they meet people online, they can’t be sure who they really are, so it’s not safe to share personal pictures and information with them.
  • Contact CEOP if you have any concerns about grooming, sexual abuse or exploitation.
  • Remember to report any inappropriate content and or comments direct to the social network, app and/or gaming site it appears on and they will take it down and possibly ban the user from their site.
  • Talk to your child about their favourite games, websites and apps to find out more about their online life. They will be more likely to come to you if they are worried about something they see or do online if you show an interest.

For help setting parental controls on all devices, go to


Further links to help you keep your child safe at home are:

UK Safer Internet Centre