Greenacres Primary Academy

Respect, Responsibility and Really Good Manners

What is the Local Academy Board?

Every school has to have a Governing Body which usually includes the Principal plus; parent, staff, Trust and community representatives.

All members of the Governing Body are volunteers and give up their own time for the school. Our Governing Body is known as a Local Academy Board as we are part of a Multi-Academy Trust.


An Academy Board has an important function within the Academy. Its main aims are as follows:

  1. To provide a strategic view – working closely with the Principal helping to decide the strategy for improvements.
  2. To act as a critical friend - supporting the staff but also asking challenging questions.
  3. To ensure accountability - monitoring and evaluating Academy effectiveness and performance.


As well as Greenacres, our Local Academy Board works with two other Oldham Primary Schools in the trust-Willowpark and Woodlands Primary Academies. We meet four times a year as a full board and also have a Standards Committee which oversees the performance of all the schools.


Each governor brings valuable experiences, skills and knowledge to their role. To make the most of this expertise and to support the Academy, Executive Principal and Senior Leadership Team as best we can; each governor has a link governor role.


Further details can be found in the document Governance Handbook and Scheme of Delegation.


The Academy Board is committed to working for the benefit of the Academy and is always happy to receive your feedback. Minutes of all meetings are available from the Academy office  and on our website.


If you are interested in becoming a Governor or wish to contact our temporary Chair of Governors, Keith Rushton, please do so on using the details below:

Greenacres Primary Academy

Dunkerley Street



Tel: 0161 770 5350


Terms of Reference for Sub Committees